Basic care for sensitive skin

What is the skin for?

The skin is a fascinating organ as it is the largest in the human body and performs multiple functions. In addition to the most obvious, which is to act as a protective barrier against external agents, the skin also serves to:

Prevent water  loss

Maintain body temperature , something that is achieved thanks to the dilation and constriction of blood vessels and sweat.

Perceive pain or pressure, thanks to the sense of touch.

Synthesize vitamin D through cells when they receive sunlight.

As you can see, the skin has a fundamental role in our body. Therefore, in order for it to carry out its functions correctly, we must pay special attention to its care, avoiding the development of sensitivity or other ailments.

The three layers of the skin

Although we can only see one of them, the outermost, the skin has three layers :

Epidermis: this is the outer layer of the skin and, therefore, the one that we can see. The most abundant cells in this layer, which make up to 80% of it, are called keratinocytes. The epidermis shows a constant regeneration, so the superficial layers gradually peel off. In the outermost part of the epidermis is the hydrolipidic mantle, formed by the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands. Due to this composition, the epidermis can fulfill the following functions: 

Act as a protective barrier against external elements such as bacteria, toxic agents, or UV rays.

Avoid fluid loss, and keep skin elastic and hydrated. 

Dermis: This is the middle layer of the skin, and is composed mainly of elastin and collagen, essential for the flexibility, elasticity, and regeneration of the skin. In addition, in the dermis are:

Receptors for the sense of touch (nerve endings).

Sweat and sebaceous glands, which contribute with their secretions to maintain the temperature of the skin, lubricate it, and protect it.

The hair follicles, where body hair develops. 

Hypodermis: This layer, located under the dermis, is the deepest layer of the skin. It is composed, among others, of adipose cells whose main function is to produce and store fats that help to maintain body temperature and cushion external shocks. 

What is sensitive skin?

Skin is sensitive when its ability to act as a barrier against external aggressions deteriorates, reacting to them with inflammation or redness. One of the causes is the loss of water and lipids, so the skin cannot regulate humidity and protect us from the elements outside. Although sensitive skin can be located throughout the body or in a specific area, the skin of the face is the most vulnerable, because it is the one that is most exposed to external agents such as UV rays, chemical elements and pollutants. 

Sensitive skin symptoms

The main symptoms that can alert us that we have sensitive skin are: 

Fine grooves caused by dryness.

Matte appearance.






All these symptoms can also be accompanied by sensations such as itching, burning, tightness and pricks .

Sensitive skin is highly reactive to weather, temperature, and chemicals in personal hygiene products. For this reason, it requires special treatments that do not contain aggressive ingredients for it.

It is very important that we know how to prevent sensitive skin and, if we suffer from it, how to mitigate its symptoms and avoid actions that may make them worse.

Why do I have sensitive skin?

The skin has a complex and balanced system that allows it to stay healthy. If this balance is disturbed, sensitive skin appears . We are going to see how these alterations can lead to this condition. 

As we have seen, in the epidermis is the hydrolipidic mantle, which acts as a protective layer of the entire skin surface against all external agents. It has a slightly acidic pH, approximately 5, which allows it to be effective against bacteria or highly alkaline external elements such as soap for cosmetic use. In addition, due to the characteristic permeability of this layer and its natural flaking, it is possible to maintain optimal levels of hydration. 

When the correct functioning of the hydrolipidic mantle is disturbed, the characteristic symptoms of sensitive skin can appear at any age. However, there are two moments in life when you are more likely to develop sensitive skin: breastfeeding and old age. 

In both cases, the skin becomes more vulnerable to external agents. Babies, it is because when they are born, have much thinner skin than adults, even becoming a fifth thinner. Being less thick, its function as a protective barrier is weakened, not being able to react correctly against all external agents. 

In the aging process, what happens is that metabolic processes decrease in a generalized way and, therefore, the synthesis of lipids. This lack of lipids causes further dehydration of the skin, leading to sensitive skin.

Most common causes of sensitive skin 

Among the causes that cause sensitive skin, the most common are:

The UV rays and environmental pollutants.

Hormonal imbalances, such as those associated with adolescence, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause.

Risk factors, such as suffering from atopic dermatitis, acne, or hypersensitivity.

Intolerances and some allergies.

Dehydration due to lack of water or excessive sweating.

Climatic changes that affect temperature and humidity.

Excess of soaps and detergents that alter the pH.

Stress, lack of rest, and poor diet

Some medical treatments such as radiation therapy and certain drugs.

Cosmetic products that contain moisturizers or alcohol, among other substances that can be harmful

Harmful habits for sensitive skin

There are certain habits with which we believe we are taking care of our skin, and that may actually be damaging it. That is why it is important that you know that some everyday gestures such as those listed below can cause sensitive skin or worsen this condition:

Washing your skin too often or doing it improperly, such as using water that is too hot or products with harsh ingredients.

The Peels mechanical or physiological. These can be beneficial since they act on the hydrolipidic mantle, eliminating dead skin cells and reducing wrinkles. However, on sensitive skin they can cause irritation.

The shaven could be defined as an exfoliating action, which presents the same risks as we have explained above. In addition, when shaving we use cosmetic products such as foams or creams that, having left the skin more exposed, may be more affected by the chemicals they contain.

The smoking , which in itself is very harmful to health, is associated with many skin problems like acne or delayed healing of wounds.

Tips for caring for sensitive skin

If we have sensitive skin, it is essential that we visit a professional who can prescribe the most appropriate treatment and monitor its effectiveness. In addition, we can also take certain measures aimed at mitigating the state of sensitivity of our skin: 

Use creams with sun protection even in winter, since, as we have seen, UV rays have very harmful effects on sensitive skin.

Implement in routine hygiene the use of products with active components capable of minimizing skin sensitivity, such as glycerin. The soaps made with glycerin respect the pH of the skin and eliminate its impurities without being aggressive. In addition, glycerin retains moisture, thus keeping the skin naturally hydrated, a characteristic that makes soaps made with this ingredient especially suitable for dry skin.

Properly hydrating the skin, especially that of the face, is important to improve its appearance and protect it from external aggressions.

Avoid showering with water that is too hot, as this contributes to dehydrating the skin. In addition, when washing your face it will also be better to use cold or warm water, trying to avoid hot water. 

Protect yourself from climatic aggressions, especially from very cold temperatures, with appropriate creams and drinking plenty of water to ensure hydration. 

Rest well and avoid stress, as these are two factors that can cause sensitive skin to react.

Eat a diet rich in antioxidants and natural oils, which help to restore balance in our skin.

Is atopic skin the same as sensitive?

Atopic skin is a multifactorial disease in which genetic, environmental, and immune factors intervene, among others. Therefore, they are two skin disorders that should not be confused.
